To be successful in business means a lot to an entrepreneur. He looks forward to the support from government for creating the right environment. But when he discovers that politicians are playing what they are best at – politics, he/she gets disillusioned. [Read More…]
The world has witnessed many cases where internal peace played a role in economic and social growth. For India, social problems like poverty, healthcare, education, etc. need to be solved through economic growth. Indeed, India must grow. And grow fast. [Read More…]
There are valid reasons, both commercial as well as social, that there is a robust stock market in our economy. We need to migrate to investing culture from saving in FDs culture. [Read More…]
No doubt that the role of PR is changing in India. Before everyone started using this tool in India, PR metamorphosed into a different being. Time to think about it differently. [Read More…]
India’s answer to the Pulwama incident was firm and resolute. Similar firmness and resolution need to be shown to tackle our social and economic woes [Read More…]